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How to Change Blogger Pages Font Style/Color

I just found that I can change the font style/color of the PAGES tabs in Blogger in just one simple step!! :D

Go to Template on the left > click Customize > Add CSS

Copy and paste the following inside the box on the right:

.PageList li a {
font-weight: bold;
color: #6BBAB2;

You may change the color code, and add different styles in this simple CSS coding :D Hope that helped (a little)!


Custom Adobe Illustrator Brush Experiment II

I just noticed that I can set 'pressure' in the art brush I made from the last post (silly me)! 

I used a little pressure on the random sketch on the left, and a little more pressure on the right profile head (notice the chin). I think the wrinkles of the brush make the line look organic. It's fun and I don't have to worry about shaky lines coming from my shaky hand with this brush!! :D


Custom Adobe Illustrator Brush Test (with Free Brush) :D

Made a random sketch of a character I made long time ago, and used it for a custom brush made recently. I think it looks kind of like ink. 
Kind of :)

I followed the tutorial here from Steps 11 - 13 to make the brush, then modified it by cutting both ends with the knife tool to make it not tapered, because I don't like the ends of the line not linking to each other. And I followed Step 14 to make the art brush in the end.

My Brush (not tapered)

After cutting the two ends, the line on the face looks seamless :D

Another brush made without cutting both ends and more wrinkled.

Feel free to use my brush if you like! :D Use it wherever you like, but I would appreciate it if you can show me the illustration/graphics you made with my brush!